Friday, May 23, 2008

"You don't know, do you?"

I hadn't planned on posting anything until after the holiday. I was content to relax and stay away from my blogging addiction. Then I read a blurb in Newsweek about the clip below and I couldn't get to the computer fast enough.

Now, you know how we love our cheerleaders here on the MZone. Of course we prefer when they're female who go from pom-pons to porn, even more so after this story of male cheerleader who went from screaming on the sidelines to screaming on the airwaves.

Kevin James (not the actor) is a former Oklahoma Sooner cheerleader-turned-lawyer-turned-radio talkshow host in Los Angeles. And judging from the YouTube video here, he's one of those modern day firebrands who "prove" the validity of their points and positions, not via the content of their argument, but by being louder than those with an opposing point of view. Because no matter where you personally fall on the political spectrum, as we all know from watching the "news shows" that pass for political discourse in our country today, louder means smarter.

To set the stage for what you're about to watch, in a nutshell...

Last week, President Bush addressed Israel's Parliament and basically compared those who negotiate with "terrorists and radicals" to British leader Neville Chamberlain's appeasement of Hitler and Nazi Germany before WWII. Democrats claimed the remarks were aimed at Barack Obama, the White House denied he was the target.

Shortly after Bush made the remarks, MSNBC's Chris Matthews had KRLA's James, a "right-wing" radio talkshow host in Los Angeles, and a Mark Green, a "left-wing" radio host from Air America, on HARDBALL to discuss the brewing controversy. Below is the clip. You MUST watch. Really.

Please know, putting this up is not an endorsement of one political party, candidate or viewpoint. Whether you agree or disagree with the President's comments, James' uninformed ignorance is simply staggering. And all the shouting in the world can't hide it.

You know, folks, it's one thing for those of us talking smack on a college football blog to be full of shit. It's another when you're on a national TV show discussing U.S. foreign policy issues and presidential politics.

I mean, trying to defend your position on something as frivolous as the college football superiority of INSERT SCHOOL HERE and being wrong is sometimes funny. Being a radio host in the second largest market in America and stirring up passions on issues of real importance when you don't know what the fuck you're talking about is scary.

P.S. I just went to the KRLA website to see if this James guy still had a job (somehow he does from the looks of it) and you know what the station's slogan is? Oh, this is rich in light of the above: Intelligent. Conservative. Talk Radio.


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