Monday, May 12, 2008

Uncle Buck(eye)

We all have one. You know, that uncle who makes you fear for the family gene pool.

Of course some have it worse than others.

Case in point, the email and pic below which we recently received at the MZone home office.

"I wanted to send this to you, but had to doctor it a little since it is one of my favorite uncles. Wife found it first and her exact quote was "OH NO" I am a Wolverine and she likes the Buckeyes. She shouldn't have shown it to me."

Sweet Jesus.

Two (of many) things come to mind.

First, "But it's a really old picture" is not a defense for the above. There is no time period where that was acceptable. Ever.

Second, I pray -- pray -- that this was actually supposed to be a half shirt.

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