Sunday, January 3, 2010

The Lost Years of Merlin by T. A. Barron

Drew here again! Time for everyone's favorite book reviews! This will be my last one until next semester so I picked a personal favorite, or rather five personal favorites. That's right I'm reviewing an entire series this time. I know; I'm pretty gutsy. Unfortunately these books and my affection for them show the inner nerd in me. So if you have a relatively good opinion of me and do not already believe that I'm a little different, STOP READING THIS NOW!!! Otherwise, feel free to continue.

These books are about Merlin. If you have never heard of Merlin, I am convinced that you have lived under a rock for the past twelve years of your life. However, this Merlin is a little different than the one you may or, in the case of you people under your rock, may not have heard of. This Merlin does not have a beard (or any facial hair for that matter) or glasses. In fact, he's blind! That's a shocker. This Merlin has not discovered any of his amazing gifts yet, and does not fully understand and master them until the end of the fifth book. The first novel begins around the Roman occupation of Britain. You may wonder how I know this. Let's just say I did my homework.

Any who, Merlin is a young lad of roughly twelve. He washed ashore GB five years before this story begins. Towards the beginning, he is blinded and accidentally discovers his own powers. Soon Merlin goes to a land known as the Isle of Fincayra, for those of you not familiar Gaelic mythology is a place that is in between the spirit world and earth. Merlin has numerous adventures in Fincayra, including finding both his parents, his sister, cavorting with a giant spider, walking with giants, running with dear people (one of whom he falls in love with), finding Excalibur (King Arthur's sword), and many other. These books are some of the best I have ever read, and I frequently reread them.

If you need a book to read over Christmas (oops, I posted this a bit late), and like books like Harry Potter, READ THESE BOOKS. They could be some of the greatest ever. I give them max stars and max fingers. Ok well everybody have a merry Christmas!

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