Monday, January 4, 2010

Texting for Toddlers

I was walking into the boys basketball game the other night and saw a very young girl texting on an extremely nice cell phone - touch screen and cover and all. I thought to myself, how old is that girl? She couldn't have been over 9 years old which means she was in about third grade. THIRD GRADE! What does a third grader need a cell phone for? "Mom can you pick me up from my play date?" Seems to me that this so called "new generation" of kids are going to be so technology savvy that they're not going to know how to communicate verbally or face to face with someone. This could present several problems for them. When they go in for an interview for a job they're going to have to verbally talk to the employer, not text them. I'm not saying I'm against texting, because I too use texting, but there is a point when it is overkill. To me, texting is to make some plans for the night, ask a simple question, or something like that. In no way should it replace talking to your boyfriend/girlfriend on the phone for hours at a time. Texting is just not the same. For instance, texting can be interpreted so many ways. I have seen people analyze text messages to the point where they have taken apart every single "." and "haha." Seriously people. No one really takes that much time into how many "..." they put or whether they spell out yeah or not. I may be old fashioned, but I love talking on the phone. Not only do you get to hear their voice, but you get to hear their emotions. I personally think it means a lot more if I get a phone call rather than a simple text message. So boys... be chivalrous (if this even counts) and call the girls you like instead of texting her. Believe me, it will mean more.

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