Sunday, April 18, 2010


For the past four years, I have been in a church band known as the YACS (Young Adult Choir ~ don't ask...Barb made it up). We play once at month, typically at 9:15 on the first Sunday of the month (also day for coffee and donuts). We used to practice every week on Wednesday nights, but the better we got, the less practice we needed. We now practice once or twice before a "gig." One practice we were singing the song "Lift High the Cross" and noticed a funny verse. The verse read "the Crucified Bears on." Instead of reading "bears" as a verb, we read it as a noun and we have our new name ~ The Crucified Bears. We have currently been practicing for our last and final service ~ Easter Sunday. We want to go out with a bang. We have been "cooking" it up (term used by our guitarist to signify playing "rockish" style of music instead of churchy style).

The past four years, I have learned the advantages of being in a band. Not only have I learned to work with others, but I've learned to be creative. I've learn to take other people's music and make it my own. But most importantly, I've made new friends. Each and all of the past and present band members I have connected with in some way, shape or form. I have been blessed to know these guys and I hope some day we meet again to "ROCK OUT WITH OUR CROSSES OUT!"

Band Members (beginning with current members)

Jackie Wortman: vocals
Lewis Martin: vocals/guitar
Allie Kabbes: piano
Jason Felitz: guitar

Emily Calhoon: vocals
Max Konrad: jimbay (drums)
Paul Jansen: guitar
Lindi Oemke: bass guitar

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