Thursday, April 1, 2010


I don't know about all the other seniors, but senioritis has definitely set in for me!

Even though I seem to have more homework lately than usual, I do less and less. On top of my increased homework, I am expected to be writing more and more scholarship essays! I am just ready for school to be over. Starting Monday, I can't wait for the weekend to be here. Then, it flies by. Will it ever end?

The only cure, currently, for senioritis is GRADUATION!! Graduation is not till May 22nd. That is approximately 52 days away! That seems so far! Will it ever come?

I would like to propose a new cure! This is for seniors only. I propose that seniors only attend school for 3 quarters. The fourth quarter they can sit at home like they want and every night can be a weekend. During the day, we can and will work on scholarships. . . as needed of course. There will be no final exams for seniors because really how many of us take them seriously or at all for that matter.

Seeing as 4th quarter has already started for the class of 2010. This plan will not be seen by us, but juniors out there should fight for it! I hope somebody someday will be able to experience this!

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