Thursday, September 30, 2010

Andrew Shirvell: MZone's Assclown of the Month (Already)

We're quick to point out the asshattery of Buckeyes and others here on the MZone. But sometimes, sadly, the douchebag label falls on one of our own.  Case in point: U of M alum and Michigan Assistant Attorney General Andrew Shirvell.

As I college football blog, I normally wouldn't put something like this up. But I happened to catch this story the other night on CNN and was so absolutely appalled by this guy - and because of the U-M angle - I had to post something for folks who might have missed it.

I'm not going to summarize or recap the story, if you're interested, watch the video below. If you're not interested, totally cool. This is (allegedly) a college football blog so I get you don't come here for news stories like this. But this jackhole's going around calling himself a "concerned Michigan alum" so, I guess this Michigan alum felt obligated to say something, too.

Since Mr. Shirvelll is so fond of the First Amendment, we here at the MZone are going to exercise our First Admendment right as well: Hey, Andrew, get a fucking life, dude. And quit hanging around outside the house of a 21-year-old year old college student.  And combing over his and his family's Facebook pages. And drawing swastikas on people.  Seriously, the shit's beyond creepy. It's obvious to the rest of us that even your issues have issues.

And while it may be only October 1st, I think it's safe to bestow upon you the MZone Assclown of the Month Award for October.


UPDATEShirvell has taken a personal leave of absence from his job.  And his "blog" is now invitation only.

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