Monday, September 13, 2010

Brian Kelly Catching Flak For Chewing Out Touchdown Jesus

College football fans are still buzzing about Notre Dame coach Brian Kelly's sideline demeanor during his team's 28-24 loss to Michigan on Saturday.  Throughout the game, NBC cameras caught the first-year Irish coach frequently yelling at his players - especially two young quarterbacks who were filling in for injured starter Dayne Crist - as they came off the field.

"It's one thing to get frustrated with a senior QB making his 30th start," said ESPN analyst and play-by-play announcer Kirk Herbsteit.  "But to be constantly berating your freshman back-up QB playing in his first game -- and then the third string walk-on also playing in his first game -- doesn't help these kids develop.  Nor does it help your team.  You want to build them up, not tear them down."

Herbstreit compared Kelly's reaction with his inexperienced QBs -- or overreaction as many are calling it -- to getting upset with one's three-year-old because he doesn't know how to drive a car yet. 

Even Notre Dame fans were surprised by their rookie coach's in-game antics.  "He sorta came off as a douchebag," said freshman Miles O'Callahan of Highland Park, Illinois.  "This guy almost makes Steve Spurrier not seem like such an asshat."

The new coach may have crossed the line late in the 4th quarter when he was seen screaming at Touchdown Jesus on the Irish sideline.  After the exchange, Kelly slammed his headset to the ground while the Holy One took a seat on the far corner of the bench, threw a towel over his head and didn't return to the game.

At his post-game press conference, Kelly was unapologetic.  "I may be new but He's been in the system here a long time.  So He should know by now you can't make a (BLEEP) tackle running around with both your (BLEEP) hands in the air all the (BLEEP) time!"

Touchdown Jesus refused to comment afterward, but sources close to the Fighting Irish program indicated that He was considering transferring to Liberty University, Baylor or even Brandeis.  However, the Messiah refuted those claims on a post late last night on his Twitter account.

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