Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Ohio State Hostage Video: Free The Shirt!

To our Tosu readers (yes, you know you're here), the clip below is nothing more than a young (misguided) Buckeye fan doing a pretty darn good impression of ESPN commentator Lou Holtz.

However, to Michigan fans, the real story is the safety of the Michigan t-shirt being tortured and hung upside down on the wall in the background...

Thus, we implore the savages behind this vile piece of propaganda to release the shirt immediately, without condition.  For we will not rest again until Mr. Tee is back on the back of a Michigan fan, his cottony embrace keeping said fan properly clothed as he or she cheers while watching Denard Robinson race toward the endzone...only to curse like a sailor moments later as a long TD pass floats over the heads over our confused secondary.

Of course, since we have no direct contact with any of the godless heathens in Columbus, we may have to work through diplomatic channels at Northwestern (they really are like the Swiss of college football, aren't they?  I mean, who the hell dislikes Northwestern?).  Failing that, we will be forced to take direct action inside your stadium come November with our football team (assuming of course they don't suck giant ass again the second half of the season).

We will not forget you, oh brave Michigan tee!  Our motto here at the MZone is "Leave No 'M' Behind!' (Right after, "Hey, free beer!").

You have been warned.  Free The Shirt!

Michigan Tee Held Hostage:  Day 1

UPDATE:  A rescue mission organized by MZone reader Mikoyan may already be in the works.

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