Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Rufus the Bobcat Murdered, Brutus Buckeye Under Arrest


(from MZone wire reports)  Athens, OH -- Ohio University mascot Rufus the Bobcat was brutally murdered early today and Ohio State's Brutus Buckeye has been charged.

Less than 72 hours after Rufus attacked Brutus in a brazen daylight assault inside Ohio Stadium, the big-headed OU mascot was found dead in Athens, Ohio on the sidewalk outside of a popular campus eatery.  Following the discovery of a blood-soaked buckeye nut necklace at the crime scene, police quickly focused their attention on Brutus Buckeye.  Responding to a tip, the longtime Ohio State mascot was apprehended fleeing the area in an '85 Chevrolet Impala with a "Fuck Michigan" bumper sticker.

Athens police chief Dan Tana said the crime appears to be a "mascot revenge killing" in retaliation for the incident at the 'Shoe last weekend.  Tana claimed Rufus's murder was "just another example of the escalating cycle of mascot violence in America today."

But friends of Rufus disputed that assertion.  They say that while Rufus has had run ins with the law in the past -  such as his public intoxication charge when he was arrested with head coach Frank Solich following the head coach's DUI in 2005 - they were minor offenses and the mascot had turned turned his life around.

"He was going to A.A meetings, keeping clean," said a fellow MAC mascot who wished to remain anonymous.  "The thing in the 'Shoe?  Rufus was just always jealous of the big program mascots.   Hairy Dawg at Georgia, Puddles the Duck at Oregon, Herbie Husker at Nebraska.  But especially Brutus.  Brutus really got under his skin.  He got all the attention in Ohio and I think Refus just snapped.  Now, he's paid the ultimate price." 

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