Friday, September 10, 2010

Oh, Crap! Deja Vu All Over Again

I never meant to return to blogging. I was just so incensed by the seeming impending destruction of the Michigan/Ohio State game by the powers-that-be that I felt compelled to come back for a post or two just to vent. Hence the first new post here on the MZone in over two plus years at the end of last month.

That's what I missed most about blogging - the outlet. Because the daily grind is a bitch. Benny and I used to call it "feeding the monster." There's never a sense of completion. You can put up the funniest or most insightful or most profound post, something linked to all over the Internet, something that draws mega traffic to the site, and guess what? As evening rolls around, the only thought is, "Shit, what are we going to put up tomorrow?" After awhile it becomes draining. Especially when you have a "real" job you enjoy and never intend to make blogging anything more than a hobby.

Plus, to be honest, I didn't have a whole hell of a lot to say about Michigan football or college football in general in June. While I'm Maize and Blue to the core and college football is my favorite sport in the world, running a blog strictly focused on said team and sport can be constricting.

That's why I have such respect for folks like Brian at MGoBlog, Spencer-slash-Orson at EDSBS and Dave at Maize N Brew, folks who were blogging long before the MZone's short online life and have continued to do it - and do it well - to this day. These guys are blogging freaks of nature.

But I have to admit the last couple weeks of dipping my toe back in the blogging waters has been fun. I've sincerely appreciated the nice comments from folks about the MZone's semi-return. Thank you all.

Yet I'm alone in that feeling. Benny, The God of Photoshop, has told me on multiple occasions since I returned to the keyboard that he has no intention of coming back. And I respect that. You have no idea how many late nights we logged at the height of doing the MZone. Put it this way, Photoshopping 12 college coaches in their Halloween costumes takes a hell of a lot of time. So I understand.

Then there's Andy over at Spawn of MZone. When MZone signed off 2+ years ago, Andy and T9, two regular readers on the original site here, picked up the torch and kept the spirit and community of this site alive at their own most excellent blog.

Now, since coming back, Andy and I have been emailing. In our exchanges, he expressed an interest in taking his/Spawn's own break from blogging and/or doing something together. I was very noncommittal due to all the reasons for initially leaving listed above.

But then he and T9 had to go all George W. Bush on me, declare "Mission Accomplished," shut down Spawn and start sending folks our way. Damn you, Andy. DAAAAMN YOU!

As soon as I read that, all the old feelings about daily blogging - both good and bad - came rushing back. Yet here I sit at my keyboard, long past the time when the non-blogging me would be in bed, typing away. And, once again, enjoying it. For how long? I don't know.

So here's what I'm thinking: First off, I don't want to be like the HS girlfriend who keeps breaking up and then coming back. If you want to follow a Michigan and/or college football blog that will be here today, tomorrow and when cockroaches rule the earth, check out the great ones I listed above. They won't let you down or play with your blog-reading emotions. But if we can have somewhat of an open relationship, I'll see if it's still in me. Who knows, I may suck ass at it now. For you, the reader, it may be like going to see that band you loved freshman year only to see them six or seven years post-college and shake your head at your former musical tastes.

Please know I don't plan on putting up the three or four things a day like I used to do during MZone 1.0. And I may occasionally stray off-topic or miss days here and there. But the whole Facebook and Twitter angles have made it easier for both bloggers and the people who follow them. Thus, check in here when the mood strikes, or follow along on Twitter @MZoneBlog or Facebook/MZoneBlog.

So if you're cool with giving me a little space, I'm cool with you seeing other blogs. Let's see what happens, no promises on either side.

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