Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Bobcat Attack Not First: Brutus Blitzed in Big House in '83

Rufus the Bobcat's attack on Brutus Buckeye isn't the first against the Ohio State mascot.  It happened once before -- in the Big House! And the MZone has unearthed the picture to prove it.

After reading about the Ohio University's mascot rampage in the 'Shoe last Saturday, my former blogging cohort, Benny, discovered the tattered newspaper picture below and sent it my way.

The photo is from the Michigan Daily from November, 1983.    Apparently Brutus was running around the perimeter of the field in A2, waving his Tosu banner, when, as the picture's caption states, "an unidentified Michigan letterman" rushed onto the field and tackled him.  Rumor has it that the "unidentified Michigan letterman" was a U-M diver at the time.

Boy, how times have changed -- back when Bo was head coach, even members of the swim team knew how to make a damn tackle!  *sigh*

Found in Benny's mom's closet and donated to the MichiganZone.net archives

ED. NOTE:  This story doesn't signal Benny's return to the MZone.  Quoting from his email:

"It's an incredible coincidence that I had this and knew where it was right away.

Don't consider this as Benny coming back. I just always loved this picture (and the incident) and wanted it to be remembered. This picture wasn't on the Web when I searched for it."

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