Friday, September 17, 2010

Two-Minute Drill

*  If you haven't seen the Denard: The Happening vid over at MGoBlog, you must.  It was done by an MGoBlog reader.  Fantastic stuff.

*  Think the fight to preserve the M/OSU game was the first time Michigan fans had to rise up to strike down a bad idea?  Wrong.  MVictors uncovers a letter to the Daily from 1910 (yes, 1910) written by a 'Senior' upset that the band was no longer playing The Victors before each game.  Great find!

*  What is the UMass blogosphere saying about the game?  Here you go.  My favorite part -- the poll asking folks to vote for their predictions on the game tomorrow.  The choices range from "Michigan by a bazillion" to "UMass by 21+."  Three percent of voters picked that final box.  Now, normally I would laugh and laugh and laugh.  Mock, even.  And while I don't think in a million years that could happen, there was this game three years ago...

*  Finally, you're never too young to start getting ready for The Game...


Thanks to those already starting to email suggestions, tips, etc. to us here at MZone 2.0: The MZone Strikes Back! Much appreciated!  (Plus it's a hell of a lot easier than having to come up with this crap ourselves.)

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