Friday, January 21, 2011

Chinese Fire Drill

Do you ever find yourself bored with your friends driving around aimlessly? Do you ever wish that you could do something fun but don't know what to do? If so, you should try out the Chinese fire drill! How it works is: when you are at a stop sign or a stop light and you have a car full of people, everyone get out and run around the car then jump in a different seat and then proceed driving. This game is fun and an effective way to get your friends to laugh as well as the people in the cars around you.

WARNING! You might need to take the following precautions if you want to play the game:

1. Make sure that the people you are with like you or else they will probably ditch you when you are out of the car.

2. Plan your location well! Make sure the area you are in is not too busy or else the doors to your car will get torn off.

3. Make sure you stop at a freshly red light!(A light that has just turned red.) If the light turns green and you are still outside of the car, the people in the surrounding cars will stop laughing and get mad fast.

Other then those few simple rules have fun and be safe out there!

-Katie Whightsel

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