Monday, January 10, 2011

Where's Brandon?

Ed. Note: This was going to be a much bigger post complete with another exclusive MZone video.  But, alas, due to a @#$% computer issue, this is it until I punch my fucking foot through the fucking monitor correct the problem.

As we noted over the weekend, Wolverine fans have taken to flight tracking websites in an effort to figure out who Michigan's next football coach will be.  Folks are getting all Da Vinci Code trying to ascertain where AD Dave Brandon is and who he's talking to.

But instead of just blowing off work as you spend hour after hour focusing on Michigan and its search - all while pretending to be working on your TPS reports - now it's starting to cut into family time.

Well, MZone Children's Books, a division of MZone Publishing, has just released a book so that your kids - you know, those little creatures who live in your house that you've been ignoring since Rich Rod was fired as you constantly hit refresh on MGoBlog looking for updates - can play along in your search for Dave Brandon while you obsess over it on your computer along with the rest of the Maize and Blue Faithful

"Daddy, look! I found him! Here. Visiting this school in Akron!"

"No, Timmy. He wouldn't be there. That's the home of a crappy MAC team. But keep trying."

"Here he is! Is this him, Daddy? In Palo Alto? (AFTER A SECOND) Daddy, why are you crying?"

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