Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Year Round School vs. Traditional School Year

Back in the good old days, children were needed to help on the farm during the summertime. This is why the traditional 10 month school system was established in the United States.

Obviously, times have changed. Instead of children helping on the farm during the summer, they sit around playing Call of Duty while their brain cells die off. As a result, any useful information that they might have acquired during the previous year is as good as gone.

When someone says "Year Round School" the general reaction is "EWWW..." But, when you look into it, year round school can be a great thing. A standard year round school year consists of 45 days on, and then 15 days off. That is 3 weeks! Which is 9 days more then the pitiful Christmas Vacation we received this year.

There are also negative sides to year round school. Students would not be able to make a ton of money during the summer by working loads of hours on their summer job. Also, students are going to forget the information weather they are out for 3 weeks or 10.

On the other hand, if we were in school year round, we could learn at a more comfortable pace and avoid having to cram useless information. When teachers go slower that means less homework. Which means a year round job would not be impossible. Which means more money! If your family likes to travel, year round school makes it much more convenient. Your family could go on a vacation during the summer, fall, winter, or the spring and still have 2 weeks left of break!

In my opinion, year round school sounds a ton better than what we have now! Let me know what you think and comment:)

-Katie W.

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