Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Wallpaper Wednesday - Denard = B10 Player of the Year

I made this wallpaper a couple of weeks ago, but the events associated with the program over the last few weeks have created a gap in this weekly feature.

It is important that the collective Michigan fan base continue to show the love and admiration to Denard Robinson. Of all the potential negative effects of this coaching change, Denard's choice to stay or go could be the most important in the short term success of the program. From my perspective, the single largest failure of the Rich Rodriguez experiment was the absolute refusal to adjust the scheme to the abilities of the players. This cost us the seemingly very valuable skills of Ryan Mallett and many others. I can't imagine that Brady Hoke and his new assistants will throw away the talents of the Big Ten Player of the Year. At least I hope not.

Denard, if you are reading this... PLEASE STAY !!!!! Michigan is a very special place and you are an important part of this program.

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