Tuesday, January 11, 2011

On to plan "C"...or is that "H"?

Just in case you have not already heard the news, Les Miles joined Jim Harbaugh in the "Thanks, but No Thanks" club today. I understand and respect their professional choices, but this coaching search business is starting to feel like a repeated knee to the baby maker.

For the love of GOD, enough is enough -- not so sure how hard it is to choose someone that is both competent and interested.

On the bright side, it is nice to see coaches with a Michigan degree getting paid handsomely for their skills and experience. Harbaugh got a nice fat paycheck on Friday from the San Francisco 49ers and this latest news marks the second time in just over three years that Les has used his Michigan degree to get a nice healthy raise from the fine folks at LSU. And for the record, if anyone ever mentions Les Miles as a future Michigan football coach, ever again -- they need to slapped.

ED. NOTE: In an update to this post on Sunday, third generation wheat farmer Bill Simmowitz has also passed on the position.

(HT: WH)

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