Sunday, January 23, 2011

The MZone Needs YOU!

The common perception of a blogger is that of a strikingly handsome, fabulously wealthy individual who hob nobs in the top social circles - sort of the cyber version of the Dos Equis man.  Thus, you may be surprised - dare I say shocked! - to know that I have another job which requires my attention from time to time.

This week is one of those times.  And with Andy also on the road for work, posting may be light for the next couple of days.

But it doesn't have to be that way.  You, the loyal MZone reader, can help.

Have you ever wanted to be a world famous blogger, impressing women with the mere mention of your MZone involvement?  Now is your chance.  We're looking for a few good bloggers to contribute here at the MZone, especially during the off-season.

So, c'mon now.  Chip in.  Team effort. 

Give me your tired, your poor excuse for a Photoshop
Your muddled rant, yearning to breathe fire at Buckeye fans
The wretched refuse of your video editing skills uploaded on YouTube
Send these, your homeless guest columns, for posting to me
I lift my blog beside the golden keyboard!

The most interesting man in the world...
unless an MZone blogger is in the room

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