Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Two-Minute Drill: Coaching Conclave Concludes

When news of Brady Hoke's hiring began to spread yesterday, the final confirmation came from the smoke spewing forth from Schembechler Hall.  It changed from black to white indicating Brandon and his coaching conclave had made their selection.

No word on what color all the hot air is that's emanating from the folks slamming Hoke before he even steps foot on campus.

(HT: DC)

Raising Money for a Good Cause

Got the following email below from loyal longtime reader BP on the west side of the state:

I have volunteered for Friends and Families of Cystic Fibrosis the last couple of years which has been very rewarding.  Our largest fund raiser is coming up in a few weeks, Bid for Bachelors and Bachelorettes, here is the website for the event:  www.bidforbach.org

It is the 14th year for BID and our goal is to raise $50,000 this year.  Last year's event we raised over $35,000 and our expenses are lower this year, not to mention we have more people participating as bachelors and bachelorettes.

If there is any Michigan football home game that you would be willing to donate for the cause, it would be greatly appreciated.  With eight home games in 2011 there could be a non-conference game or two you would be willing to donate.  Attached is the donation form with our charity's federal tax ID number for your gift.  If you do donate, the tickets would be included in someone's date package or as part of our silent auction.

The date for BID is Feb 5th--if you can make the trip to Grand Rapids and attend the event, I think you will be impressed.  The event will be at Thousand Oaks Country Club, it would be great to see you.  We are offering some couples packages this year as well.

BP also stated that any Michigan sporting event tickets that one could donate (Wings, Tigers, etc.) would be appreciated.

A Few Good Wolverines

As you can tell, I'm a sucker for a good movie or TV parody.  Reader SC put up the post below on his blog, Crocker Chronicle.

In the midst of increasing speculation regarding the state of the University of Michigan football program, U of M athletic director David Brandon (pictured at left) had the following to say at a press conference earlier today:

"Wolverine Fans,

We are part of an institution that has tradition, and that tradition has to be guarded by men who wear the Block ‘M’ proudly. Who's gonna do it? You, Drew Sharp? You, Michael Rosenberg? 

I have a greater responsibility than you can possibly fathom. You weep for Rodriguez and you curse our defense. You have that luxury. You have the luxury of not knowing what I know: that Rodriguez’s firing, while tragic, probably will win us some games. And my existence, while grotesque and incomprehensible to you, may just get us the Mad Hatter.*

You don't want the truth because, deep down in places you don't talk about on your blogs, you want me as the AD. You need me as the AD! We use words like Victors, Big House, and Big Ten Championships. We use these words as the backbone of a life spent defending something. You use them as a punch line! I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to bandwagon fans who rise and sleep under the very Maize and Blue blanket that I provide and then question the manner in which I provide it! I would rather you just said "thank you" and went on your way. Otherwise, I suggest you pick up a winged helmet and take a stance in the trenches. 

Either way, I don't give a wolverine's rear end what you think you are entitled to."

On completion of his comments, Brandon jumped from behind the podium and attacked Mitch Albom.

*  ED. NOTE:  SC sent this piece before The Announcement, hence the Hatter ref.  My bad just getting to it but my inbox is pretty swamped this week.

Baton Rouge Does Seem Like a Place You'd Hate to Leave

Finally, reader SG claims THIS is the real reason Les Miles stayed in Baton Rouge:

ED. NOTE:  I'm pretty sure we used this pic during The Original MZone (represent!).  But, surprisingly, I had no problem with running it again.

Da Plane!  Da Plane!

Finally, since it might have gotten buried when the Hoke selection broke yesterday, here's the post and video of Brandon's last coaching search trip which ultimately broke our coach to A2.

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