Sunday, November 15, 2009


A busy busy weekend. And why, oh why, do I reach a Sunday evening and still have items on my TO DO list that have yet to be crossed off?!?!?!?! I long for a personal assistant, a maid, a cook. I wonder how so many women in blogland seem to get it all accomplished?? Are they (we) just posting the good side to all that we get done? I'm coming clean with y'all . . . there's no way I can keep up with all there is to do. So, I admit to a dusty house, loads of laundry yet to be done, craft projects yet to be undertaken (and usually the one thing that takes priority simply because they're fun), bills to be paid, paperwork to be filed, yard work to be tackled, a child to raise (the good, the bad, and the good), a job to go to 5 days a week (and thought about 7), groceries to be bought, meals to be planned and cooked.

Gideon has it good. And I love him for, on a daily basis, bringing me back to a place of simply . . . being me, and OK with all of the imperfections that I am, that surround me, and that he could care less about. Because he loves me for what I do, with smiling success, on a daily basis, without much effort at all . . . a meal, love, outside to go potty, and a good snuggle at the end of the day. Thanks, big guy.

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