Saturday, November 21, 2009

Top things of the Week (Week 2)

You know the drill readers, so let’s get started.

Food of the Week:

After the mass of candy I’m sure you had, it’s time to give it a good contrast. We’ll surely avoid scurvy if we all eat this week’s food.


Beverage of the Week:

The idea for the beverage of this week is contributed by everyone’s favorite minister, Father Darren.

Slogans that got people to purchase include:

1889–1914: "King of Beverages."

1940s: "Good For Life."

1950s: "The Friendly Pepper Upper."

1970s: "The Most Original Soft Drink Ever."

1991: "Just what the Doctor ordered."

Movie of the week:

This week we’ll dig into movies past. This week our movie of the week is The Goonies.

The Goonies is truly a great movie that you should watch again soon.

Video game of the Week:

This week, I was going to spot light the first Super Mario Bros. game, but I realized that was too predictable, besides why put one in the original series when I could put all of them? The video game of this week is Super Mario All-stars.

This compilation cartridge features Super Mario Bros. 1, 2, and 3. Along with Super Mario Bros. the lost level, what game is this you may ask? Well, it’s actually the real version of Super Mario Bros. 2 that never saw a U.S. release because it was deemed ‘too difficult for the U.S. audience”.

A new segment approaches! Roll for initiative.

TV show of the week:

We’ll delve into the shows of the 80’s for a few weeks, evolve into the 90’s, and then end it with shows from the 2000’s and now. This Week’s TV show of the week is Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

And I’m talking about the original, not the new age re-imaginings. It was one of the strangest concepts you’ll ever hear in a TV show, but we still love it the same.

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