Saturday, November 21, 2009


I did the Myspace thing, now I'm hooked on Facebook, but everyday I hear more and more about Twitter. No it isn't just the sound a bird makes anymore, it's a social networking site. What is Twitter though? I've often wondered. Why should I leave Facebook where I'm perfectly happy, just so I can say I have a Twitter account? Well I researched Twitter to better understand it and this is what I've came up with.

10. It's like Facebook, but with only Status Updates

9. Dedicated Twitter users average about 150 "tweets" a day

8. 88% of Twitter users ALWAYS check their Twitter accounts before actually starting their day

7. Most Twitter users are celebrities

6. You can get "tweets" sent to your phone as text messages (my sister has this, and I always think she has so many friends)

5. New York has the most Twitter profiles

4. 53% of Twitter users are women

3. Britney Spears is blocked by 3855 Twitter users

2. Barack Obama's Twitter account was hacked on January 5th. Hey if it's been done before it can be done again!

1. It's an excuse for people to think they have friends that are celebrities

So if you haven't done the Twitter thing, maybe it's for you? My mom has a Twitter account just so she can think she's cool, but I have yet to get one. I honestly don't care if Jessica Simpson hates Melrose Place for kicking her sister off the show, if Kanye finally apologized to Taylor, or if Miley has finally given in and gotten her teeth fixed. I'll read the tabloids for that, thank you very much.

--Courtney Kabbes

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