Sunday, December 13, 2009

Exam Prep 101

Okay, so we all know what's coming around the corner. Yep, you guessed it. Exams. Now I've been doing this for quite a while, so I figured I'd be nice enough to let you all (okay, I guess this is for the freshmen) in on some of the secrets.

1. Listen to your teachers. This tip would probably have helped more at the beginning of the year. Most teachers hint at what their exams are like at the beginning of the year. Take Mrs. Thoele for example. She told us that her exam questions were going to come from her tests. So in this case, if you are in her class, you should start pulling all of her old tests out. But of course, each teacher is different.

2. Do the study guides. You know all of those study guides/reviews you get about a week before exams? Well you get 'em for a reason. Teachers don't give you all of that writing to do because they want to see you in pain. Not only does writing out all of the answers help you retain and remember the information, but it's most likely pretty similar to the actual exam. They really are worth your time.

3. Don't procrastinate!!! (Don't wait 'til the last minute) Don't try to pull off a last minute cram session. They usually don't work. Don't try and do all of those study guides the night before your exam; it will do you no good. Waiting until the last minute makes you even more stressed because you don't know the material, and stress is never a good thing.

4. Stay healthy. Get plenty of sleep and make sure to eat breakfast, even if you usually don't. Just as mom always says, starting the day off with a good meal helps boost your brain power.

Good luck to all!!!

-Caroline Robb

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