Tuesday, December 8, 2009

In Cold Blood Book Review

A couple of months ago I picked up a copy of Truman Capote's In Cold Blood for a dime. Since I was rereading Pride and Prejudice and The Scarlet Pimpernel at the same time--plus another contemporary mystery novel--I didn't have time then for Capote's classic tale. I started the book about a week ago, though...and I have to say that I'm hooked on the story.

I say "story" -- but, In Cold Blood is actually a true crime novel. I've not read much true crime and I've never been a big fan of non-fiction, but In Cold Blood is superbly written;the case involved is so gripping that I can barely put down the novel. Capote relates the murder of the Clutter family (who lived in rural Kansas) and the subsequent police and KBI (Kansas Bureau of Investigation) investigation into the deaths of Mr. and Mrs. Clutter and their two adolescent children. Much of the novel is based on interviews between Truman Capote and the murderers, police & KBI agents, locals, and others indirectly involved in the case.

I wasn't sure, at first, if I would want to continue reading this book--there is something so frightening about the deaths of this Kansas family. Capote's writing style kept me going, though.

November 15, 2009 marked the 50th anniversary of these brutal murders. According to an article from the Huffington Post, the murders left a lasting impression on the small Kansas town of Holcomb. The book was later made into a movie--which I haven't watched.

At any rate, if you are interested in true crime or non-fiction--or you typically like to read mysteries, then you might consider picking up a copy (or borrowing my copy) of In Cold Blood by Truman Capote.

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