Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Hey bloggers!

I figured I'd try to stick with this article type deal for as long as I could keep thinking of good topics. I've got one today: Twitter.

Now I don't wanna sound like an old blue hair when I say I don't get it. But once again I don't get it. I guess I get the concept. Anyone can post, from a computer or their phone, what they are doing at that exact second, as long as it's under 140 characters. And that's fine with me. People do worse things with their time. The part I don't get is the crazy, insane cult following. As much as I would love to know when one of the Jo Bros are totally in line at the bank, I just can't get myself to get on the computer and find out.

On a little side note, the thing I hate about twitter the most is that people decided they get to use the word "tweet". Like if someone says I just got a tweet from David Hasselhoff. Not cool.

The part about twitter that I find most amusing is the fact that you can have the "tweets" sent directly to your phone. Now not only will you know when Hannah Montana is getting gas, but no matter where you are, you'll be the first person to know!!! And not only is your phone buzzing off the wall with random information from people you've never met, but everyone gets to see you use your phone too!!

Don't get me wrong. I could just be jealous that I don't have 500,000 people around the world wanting me to inform them exactly when I have to use the bathroom. That may very well be the case, but I'm not sure that's a world I wanna live in.

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