Tuesday, December 15, 2009

A Miracle for the New Orleans Saints

Last Sunday the Washington Redskins and the New Orleans Saints were squaring off in a great game of football. The Redskins were the leading team for the majority of the game until the 4th quarter. The Redskins were up by a touchdown and their kicker was center stage to seal the game. There was about a minute and thirty seconds left on the clock and he missed the field goal from 23 yards out. Drew Brees, New Orleans' quarterback, marched onto the field with a minute left. Drew Brees through the ball to Robert Meachem for a touchdown which tied the game. The score was 30-30. The Redskins got the ball first in overtime, but were stopped by the Saints. The Saints got in close enough for there kicker to make a field goal and win the game. The Saints remain undefeated.

Anthony Raddatz

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