Monday, March 15, 2010

dangerous pets

8. Snakes- they bite and are sneaky. What would happen if you have a massive snake and you look and he's not in his cage??

7. Scorpions- They belong in the desert or wherever they came from. They have claws and a dangerous poison-filled spear on their back.
6.Llama's- Ok, llama's -- Napoleon Dynamite had one but he was tied to a post all the time. Llamas kill people every year... they kick and sit on things to kill them.
5. Ostriches and Emus- They are huge birds that have talons the size of banana's!

4.Monkeys and Chimps- Everyone knows about the women that got her face ripped of by the chimp. Point proven.
3. Ferrets- Ferrets are horrible. They do nothing and most carry rabies.

2. Alligators- It's an Alligator. They can get to 8 feet long and weigh practically as much as about 10 Priuses!

1. Kinkajou-This is the animal Paris Hilton has his name is Baby luv this animal looks like a mix between a squirrel, hamster, and a fluffy ball. Baby Luv loves Paris so much that when she brought him shopping he bit her and scratched her face; Paris had to go to the hospital get shots for infections. She kept the Kinkajou.
*[Mrs. Cross] My brother and his ex-wife used to keep sugar gliders (some type of flying squirrel). Apparently, when my ex-sister-in-law was opening the cage, the glider-thingy jumped out through the cage door and jumped on her face. Freaky!

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