Friday, March 19, 2010


Whew! What a long day. Nothing quite like doing your regular week's work, then trying your best to line up as much as you can for the following week for the co-worker who'll be filling in for you while you're away.

I got home at 10, packed until 11, wolfed down some leftovers and washed it down with a beer, then came downstairs to download a preview of what I'll be seeing tomorrow, as our ferry boat pulls into Orcas Village. Such a welcome sight after several hours of travel -- five hours by car and another hour-plus on the ferry from Anacortes, with stops at Shaw and Lopez Island.

Once we pull our car onto the dock at Orcas, it's 45 minutes to our cabin, where I plan to chill as much as I can. The past two days were gorgeously sunny. Don't know that I can expect more of the same on the island, but I can always hope for it. We'll be away for a week and Nathan will be house-sitting for us. Otto gets to come along but the cats will have to fend for themselves.

I'm ready as I've ever been for Island Time.

Go Northwest! photo by Dave Dean

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