Sunday, March 14, 2010

The gift of song

Saturday night brought the opportunity to hear some lovely vocal music and then go out for a delicious post-concert meal.

The occasion? Consonare Chorale, a community choir that includes our favorite soprano, Simone, was presenting the second concert of its fourth season: "Of Love & Beauty." The program featured 12 selections, including some sung in Spanish, German and Hebrew.

It's always a pleasure attending one of these concerts. You never know what range of music you'll hear that's been selected by artistic director Georgina Philippson, below.

But you can always count on a high quality of musicianship, both from the co-ed choir and the accompanying instrumentalists (which last night included a cellist, violinist and pianist).

Saturday's program, focusing on songs of love, was one of my favorite concerts. I enjoyed the melding of male and female voices, the melodies and how the compositions were tied together with such an appealing theme. It's nice that Simone can continue her involvement this way, having sung in high school as well as playing the violin and piano.

Afterward, it was a treat of a different kind. We walked down to the Country Cat on Southeast Stark and 79th Avenue in the Montavilla neighborhood and indulged in some tasty and fancy drinks. (Well, everyone else went for the fancy drinks. I was content with a tall can of Tecate.)

The next concert is Saturday, May 22, at Westminister Presbyterian Church at Northeast 14th and Hancock. Georgina promises an evening of mountain music from Appalachia and American folk traditions, so it ought to be very different.

From left, Kyndall Mason, Simone Rede, Lori Rede, Megan Andricos and Carrie Valentine.

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