Tuesday, March 9, 2010

My PSU paycheck

Not to sound greedy or anything, but it sure was nice to start the day picking up my paycheck from Portland State's H.R. office. It had been mailed to our old address, so there was a delay of about a week.

I'd taught the "blogosphere" class a month ago, so I was trying to be patient, having graded class assignments and finals in the meantime. I'll post the final grades this week for the seven students who completed the weekend seminar.

Now that I've got the money in hand, some treats are in order: breakfast with Simone tomorrow morning; brunch with Nathan on Sunday; and tickets for Lori and me to see Patty Griffin in concert April 4 at McMenamin's Crystal Ballroom. We're going with our friend, Molly, whose taste in music probably comes the closest of anyone I know to duplicating my own.

I was fortunate to see Patty last summer when she played with Emmylou Harris, Shawn Colvin and Buddy Miller. This time around it's just her and Buddy. I know she's got a new album out, "Downtown Church," featuring gospel music.

The video above is from her 2007 performance at Portland's Aladdin Theatre. It's a nice take on a Sam Cooke classic. Wanna see more? There's great variety in this collection.

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