Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Hello again, St. Anthony!

My last blog was about Health Solutions Chiropractic Clinic (you should visit), but I'm going to change the pace a little here.

Have you ever been driving (or walking, riding in a car with parents, riding a bike, etc...) downtown and noticed an odd-looking little greenish-blue square right next to Joe's Pizza with a man's face on the window? Well, I have an explanation for this funny-sounding (and looking) place.

This blue-box of a business is called Three Rivers East Dojo, a training center for the ancient Japanese martial art aikido. Aikido is nothing like karate, by the way (not all martial arts are). In essence, it's a self-defense course that lets you look really cool while protecting yourself from muggers and rapists and such. Sounds fun, right? Anyway, if you've ever heard of Steven Seagal (he's an action movie star person, for those who haven't), he's a master of aikido. That's why he looks so cool. He's also a massive guy (fun-fact).

If the movie stars are doing it, so should I!
I know that's what you're thinking.

Well, for once, it's true. Aikido uses (mostly) low impact movements to get out of the way of oncoming attacks (that's how ninjas stop swords!!!!111!!1!!one [Don't try it, please.]).
Aikido is a great activity for people from 4 years to 90 years old (it's a little hard on the joints, though, so I'd think about it a while before asking Grandma to go).

Also, there are several classes a week, so whatever your schedule might be, you'll (probably) be able to make it!

So if anyone is interested after all these ramblings, call 217-690-0105 for information.
On top of that, I can get you a free week of classes if you decide you want to join (or even try it out).

Come on, with an offer like that, it's hard to turn it down.

Leah Sloan

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