Friday, January 7, 2011

Brian, you are not alone

Brian over at MGoBlog is hearing a lot of buzz that The Mad Hatter Bad Clapper could be Michigan's next head coach...

But I wholeheartedly agree with Brian that this is not the right hire for Michigan.  For reasons like this ESPN story and all the reasons Brian states at the end of his post:

I've made my opinion clear on this: Miles is old, has enthusiastically adopted the tao of SEC, and just saw his program take a more serious hit from the NCAA than Rodriguez did. Even if it works out in five years Michigan is going to be saddled with a coach exactly as old as Carr was when he retired and will either get to experience the extended senescence of a guy who's already wacky or experience yet another transition. I would prefer Brady Hoke. 

I'm probably alone in this, I know.

Nope, you are not alone.

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