Thursday, January 6, 2011

Thanks to our long-time regulars, welcome new readers

Dear MZone Reader,

I've literally been swamped with the site this week as events in A2 have unfolded.  And while on one hand times like this are why you run a Michigan-centric college football blog, on the other hand it makes it very hard to, you know, have a life.  In addition, my esteemed cohort Andy is traveling for work this week which limits our Photoshop capabilities (and I still can't talk that rat bastard Benny out of retirement!).

Thankfully, you, the MZone reader, have really helped out.  From DC dropping everything in the middle of his work day to put together some emergency 'Shops, to Mikoyan 'Shopping DC's Dewey-beats-Truman 'Shop to create something new and his Coaching Coup D'Etat post, to all the submissions like the ones below, it helps keep the site chugging along when the workload gets tough.  So thanks, it's much appreciated.

Please know that shear volume - and that, you know, having a life thing - prevent me from responding to each and every email or using each submission.  But they all get read.

I'd also like to welcome our new readers who discovered us via Extra Mustard on  Thanks for checking us out.  To keep up with the shenanigans around here, follow us on Twitter if you're so inclined.

Anyway, thanks again and welcome.


He's Good Enough For Letterman (I'm just sayin')

MZone reader IC sends us this video of then-Ball-State-now-SDSU-potential-Michigan head football coach Brody Hoke* reading the Top Ten List on The Late Show in 2008.

Why was Brady Hoke on the big CBS late night show?  No, Brad Pitt didn't cancel at the last minute and Hoke was the only person they could get after their first 86 choices passed.  Rather, host David Letterman is a Ball State alum and Hoke had just led them to a 12-0 regular season.


Keith and the fine folks at Mustaches 4 Michigan note the resemblance between potential Michigan head coach Brady Hoke* and his finger gun, and the Penn brother who's not friends with Hugo Chavez and Penn's prop gun.  Either that or this is a still from Hoke's long lost TRUE ROMANCE audition.

You be the judge.


MZone reader Scott sends us this visual interpretation of the week that's been in A2.

If Herbie says it, you can almost guarantee it ain't gonna happen.

I, State Your Blog

Finally, in a real scoop for the MZone, Phil obtained a partial transcript of Dave Brandon's 15+ hour performance review meeting(s) with Rich Rod this week.

Dave Brandon: Rich, what is the worst Michigan football blog on the Internet?

RR: Well that would be hard to say, sir. They're each outstanding in their own way.

Dave : Cut the horseshit, coach. I've got their tweets right here. Who photoshopped black smoke coming out of Schembechler Hall? Who keeps putting up Jim Harbaugh pictures? Every Halloween, they laugh at your defensive scheme. Every spring, they ridicule your recruiting record. And now, the final straw is the 3 year long “Evaluation” satire.

RR: You're talking about MZone, sir.

DB: Of course I'm talking about MZone, you TWERP!

"I want the MZone put on double secret probation!"

* I swear I did not put up this video along with the phrase "potential Michigan head football coach Brady Hoke" x2 simply to cause our friend Brian at MGoBlog or our readers such as SiC to break out in a cold sweat, smash their computer screens and/or take hostages.

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