Thursday, November 5, 2009

Harmonic Convergence: Never To Be Spoken Of Again

I can honestly say, with no false humility, that Mongo has lived a life up to this point in time that has probably never been duplicated. Unfortunately, this journey has brought me as much guilt and sadness as it has pride and satisfaction. As a wise man once said..."We have freedom of choice, but not freedom from the consequences of our choices".

This month commemorates ten years of one of the things I'm most proud of in my life...not drinking alcohol. I knew in my heart of hearts that the decisions I was making and the relationships I was attracting and the person I was when escaping into a bottle wasn't who I wanted to be. So one day, when I woke up alone in a fancy hotel, with Ketel&Cranberry vomit all over the room and with only a vague recollection of the night before and my girlfriend's disgust with me, I pledged to myself and to God that I would never drink again...and I haven't.

I'm saying all of this, not to self aggrandize or to preach about anything, but as an affirmation on what can be done if we are self-aware enough to realize what is holding us back from becoming our true selves. Most people use metaphorical crutches to help them get through life. For those that have discipline and moderation, drugs and alcohol may never become a problem. But if we let these crutches dictate our path, well...we become spectators in a movie that will inevitably end badly.

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