Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Oh My God!? Like Seriously!?- Freshman Interviews

I sent out a mass Facebook message to all the freshman I had on Facebook interviewing them. Not all the freshman have gotten back to me, but here's what they have said so far!


1. Were you scared first coming to high school? Verryyy. 2. Are things better now? x100. 3. What are the classes like compared to grade school? A lot harder, but most of them are kinda fun, like we getta talk a lot more. 4. What is your overall opinion of high school so far? Sooo much better than grade school, i love it. haha 5. Do you look at the seniors and think, "Wow, I can't wait to get out of here," or are you enjoying your time? Enjoying my time =) 6. Are the girls/guys hotter in high school? Well yeah! =P 7. What sports or activites are you involved in? Just cheerleading, not too good at sports. haha 8. Name two things you are good at and two things you are bad at. Good: English & memorizing things for tests Bad: Math & Spanish 9. Do you have any hidden talents? Don't think so! 10. Do you have any siblings at the high school? Nope =) 11. Are the high school parties more fun? If so why? Yes. Well, they just, are. =P 12. What are some things you hope to accomplish by senior year? Get good grades 13. Tell us one thing about yourself that not very many people know. I got half my lung removed when I was a baby.


1. Were you scared first coming to high school? Yes, very much. 2. Are things better now? Way better (= 3. What are the classes like compared to grade school? Not as easy and longer =( 4. What is your overall opinion of high school so far? It's amazing, and a lot of fun! 5. Do you look at the seniors and think, "Wow, I can't wait to get out of here," or are you enjoying your time?
Enjoying my time =) 6. Are the girls/guys hotter in high school? Haha, very 7. What sports or activites are you involved in? None =( 8. Name two things you are good at and two things you are bad at Good: Talking, haha Bad: Jones' math class 9. Do you have any hidden talents? Not that I know of, haha 10. Do you have any siblings at the high school? Nope 11. Are the high school parties more fun? If so why? Haha yes, and because, uhmm, they are =) 12. What are some things you hope to accomplish by senior year? Get good grades and just have a good time! 13. Tell us one thing about yourself that not very many people know. Uhhm, I have scoliosis & spondylolisthesis


1. Were you scared first coming to high school? Nervous for the first few days, haha 2. Are things better now? Much better =) 3. What are the classes like compared to grade school? Longer & harder, but funner =) 4. What is your overall opinion of high school so far? I love it! 5. Do you look at the seniors and think, "Wow, I can't wait to get out of here," or are you enjoying your time? Enjoying my time! 6. Are the girls/guys hotter in high school? You betcha! =) 7. What sports or activites are you involved in? Hmm. choir & MAYBE track in the Spring 8. Name two things you are good at and two things you are bad at. Good: Talking & having fun Bad: Concentrating & Listening 9. Do you have any hidden talents? If they're hidden, I'm not sure! 10. Do you have any siblings at the high school? Yep, Sophie Hoffman 11. Are the high school parties more fun? If so why? Yess =) Uhmm, They just are, haha. 12. What are some things you hope to accomplish by senior year? Keep my grades up so I can get into a good college! 13. Tell us one thing about yourself that not very many people know. I am shy, just most people don't see it! haha


1.Were you scared first coming to high school? Yes, but after the first hour I was fine2. Are things better now? yes, I really like the way school is going3. What are the classes like compared to grade school? some easier, some harder, the tests are way worse4. What is your overall opinion of high school so far? ITS SUPER FUN :) I like it a lottt5. Do you look at the seniors and think, "wow i can't wait to get out of here" or are you enjoying your time? I'm enjoying it for now6. Are the girls/guys hotter in high school? I'd like to think so7. What sports or activities are you involved in? Cheerleading & XC8. Name two things you think you are good at and two things you think you are bad at. Cheerleading and reading.. math and running9. Do you have any hidden talents? i can play guitar and tumble10. Do you have any siblings in the high school? yes, taylor11. Are the highschool parties more fun? If so why? i dont really know. i don't usually go to them (Good girl Paige!)12. What are some things you hope to accomplish by senior year? Really high GPA and go to state in XC and compete for cheerleading13. Tell us one thing about yourself that not very many people know. I really like to read and do it as much as I can


1. Were you scared first coming to high school? Yes, I was scared I was going to get lost 2. Are things better now? Yeah, a lot :) 3. What are the classes like compared to grade school? They are harder, and you get a lot more homework. 4. What is your overall opinion of high school so far? Epic :) 5. Do you look at the seniors and think, "Wow I can't wait to get out of here," or are you enjoying your time? Enjoying my time so far. 6. Are the girls/guys hotter in high school? uhm yeah. 7. What sports or activites are you involved in? Bellettes! 8. Name two things you are good at and two things you are bad at. Good= playing the piano & dancing. Bad= geometry and being organized. 9. Do you have any hidden talents? I don't think so. 10. Do you have any siblings in high school? Yeah, Courtney & Connor 11. Are the high school parties more fun? Yeah, just cause... 12. What are some things you hope to accomplish by senior year? Good grades, get accepted to UCLA :) 13. Tell us one thing about you that not very many people know. I have a pink snuggie :)

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