Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Rodriguez Finally Fired, Situation Still FUBAR

Rodriguez is finally fired.  Apparently Part II of the second day of the 40th dawn of the coaching world's longest evaluation process didn't go as well as the first four hours of the first day during the 39th dawn.

The next move is still up in the air but this process is officially FUBAR: Fucked Until Brandon Anoints Replacement.

Watch the live press conference with Brandon at 12:30 ET here on MGoBlue.

POST-PRESSER UPDATE:  Okay, if folks were nervous before, I think many are in that-scene-in-AIRPLANE! panicked now.  That presser did not inspire confidence.  On the surface, if that really is what it was, it's a disaster.  Thus, I'm really hoping that Brandon has something big up his sleeve that he's simply not telling us right now.

However, if he really is just starting the search process today, on January 5th, as he implied, we're screwed.  There is no time.  I'm sure in the pizza-making world, when you fire your VP of Sauce, you can replace him or her in a week, two weeks or a month and it really doesn't make a spit of difference.  But it's January 5th.  National Signing Day is less than a month away.  Each day that goes by without a coach in a living room - in some DEFENSIVE PLAYER'S living room - is a disaster.

You don't "evaluate" for 40 f'ing days then just start the process. Holy fuck I hope he was kidding but simply can't tell us all that somebody is ready to be named here in a day or two.

FUBAR, indeed.

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