Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The Radio Station

Today Mrs. Cross' second hour Speech class visited the KJ country radio station for our representation of the sophomore class. We collected $869.02 total and I would think that is quite a large amount of money to collect over a month of just spare change. Lauryn, Mrs. Cross, and I did most of the talking for us and we just answered a few questions that Greg, Doc, and Flex about how we collected all the money. Lauryn and I did not say too much but at least we got extra credit for representing the class. While we all spoke the rest of Mrs. Cross' speech class sat behind us and got to say all their names on the radio as well. Scott's mom came late to take a few pictures of all of us with the people at the station. The interview went well but make sure you all check for us on and look for the video of us on there.

~Steven W.

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