Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Most, if not everyone has seen the movies Jaws. Great movie that was scary in 1975 when it was released, but in today's movie business--with special effects being out of this world--it's really not that scary. Due to the fact that the shark really does not look scary and you can tell it is fake. So, after Jaws came out, I am sure a lot of people were thinking twice before jumping in the ocean for a swim. Well, what I am trying to get to is America has a stereotype that sharks are terrible, uncontrolled killers...and by far the worst killer in the sea.

I believe that the worst killer is not sharks, but a Killer Whale. As many of you probably know by now, a killer whale named Tilikum killed a forty year old trainer in shallow water at Sea World by dragging her under and drowning her. This is not even his first kill. He also killed a 22 year old man a few years back.

I think the Killer whale is easily the deadliest animal in the water to this day. I mean how do you think it got its name ...KILLER whale. In my opinion, the only reason why people do not fear killer whales, and do not think of them as much when the go into the ocean, is because they do not lurk where people swim. Butthey are, in my opinion, ten times more deadly then the average shark. I base my opinion a Discovery documentary that I watched a month back. It was on a place called Seal Island; some scientists were going to check out all the sharks that lurked in the waters during this time of year. They went out and, on the third day, they noticed that a Killer Whale was also in the area. Their curiosity made them track it. You would wonder what is the worst a killer whale could do around one hundred plus sharks? Two days later they found something...there were three sharks swimming together, and this killer whale took out the middle one and ate it. Then, in the next days all the sharks disappeared off the island for the year. One killer whale, one hundred plus sharks: amazing. That is the reason I think that Killer whales are the deadliest species in the ocean and the shark hardly compares to the killer whale.

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