Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Volleyball Dog Pound

Yes, that title is right, it's not a typo. This dog pound is not for basketball, but for volleyball! Being in the dog pound is always fun. We use a variety of cheers, including: "We can't hear you", "S-T-A", "Red, White, Blue, Let's Go!". We have also made up a cheer, which we use in between games. It's the volleyball version of "Take Me Out to the Ball Game". (If you want to know how it goes, just ask). There are a total of six - eight people who started going to these games. They are: A.C Pals, Paul and Marilyn Sudkamp, Aaron Wall, Troy Pike, Drew Willenbourg (sorry if your last name is spelled wrong), Mitch Martin, and myself. We would "go all out" for a game, meaning we would use hair and face paint. Special thanks to Marilyn for providing us with face and hair paint. As their season went along, random people would come to a game or two, which is always good. As of this moment, the volleyball team is in the "Sweet Sixteen". They play on Thursday at seven, in Monticello. So naturally, the dog pound is taking a fan bus. So if you are interested in going, look in the announcements for more info. Good luck girls!!!

By: Josh Wall

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