Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Bubble Shooter: The Most Counterproductive Game

Walk into any computer lab at SAHS, or the library, or even the college resource room and I guarantee that you will see at least one person playing a computer game called Bubble Shooter. I don't know who the first person to play it at St. Anthony was, but I do know they were not the last. Bubble Shooter took St. A by storm. Everyone has at least tried to play it. I even know people who have gotten their parents addicted to it. Unfortunately, many of the students themselves are addicted. I know I am. Every time I get on the Internet, I open up three windows: Facebook, Bubble Shooter, and whatever I am actually on the computer for. Bubble Shooter can be extremely counterproductive. I used to be able to type a three or four page essay in about an hour. It now takes me three. Although I do beat the game almost every time I play, I still cannot stop. It's bad. So whatever you do, DO NOT PLAY BUBBLE SHOOTER! If you already have, I'm sorry. It is very hard to stop.

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