Thursday, February 11, 2010

Pro Teams Are Jealous

This Saturday marks the first race of the season where many of the SBCT (Smyrna Bicycles Cycling Team) will be making their 2010 debut...It's called the Tundra Time Trial, and it's ten miles of all out effort at 180 BPM. Racers from the Pro level on down will go off at thirty second intervals against the clock.

Mongo isn't competing in this race because...I don't own a TT bike. Sure, I could go on my road bike, but my time would be irrelevant compared to everyone who is riding one of these babies above. Plus, I have kept to my long term road racing goals, and this race offers no real benefit for my "Cat 5 Domination" training.

That being said, Mongo is looking for big things out of all of the SBCT competitors. But, for the owners of the five bikes pictured, this is how Mongo predicts they'll finish.

1...Brady 2...Jason 3...Tom 4...Clay 5...Mike

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