Monday, February 15, 2010

Occam's Razor

There were two things that Mongo didn't expect to hear when I woke up today. Firstly, that apparently Floyd Landis is a felonious computer hacker, and secondly, that my arch nemesis, Snow Bunny, is retiring from cycling.

If there's one thing Mongo knows about hacking, it's that you don't use a computer with an IP address that's traceable back to you. Floyd probably thought that his hacking could be done with the same anonymity as his predication for Indonesian porn. "Floyd...not only are you an idiot, but you are officially dead to me!"

Let's move on to the more shocking news...or maybe it shouldn't be?

It was inevitable that word of my "Cat 5 Domination" training would get back to Snow Bunny. He obviously realized that there was no chance that he could get his own game up to speed to be competitive with me by this Spring. So, instead of taking his lumps early and being beaten by "everyone"(including girls) come Hammerfest time, he decided to fade away and pursue a new love...sucking at golf. "Red tees anyone?"

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