Sunday, February 7, 2010

Love Shower

Yesterday . . . a day filled with loving women, cold-weather food, a roaring fire, crafting, tears, darling and heartfelt gifts, and a glowing bride-to-be. Ali's shower was certainly one I didn't want to have end. I thank her and her mom, all her friends, for embracing my home. It was a day to celebrate Ali. And I think, no, I know, that Ali knows how much we all love her.

Many more pictures to come of the festivities. There were a number of cameras shooting, and so I'm counting on those images to populate a post to come. I'll post within the next day or two pix of the invitations. They set the theme. In the meantime, here is one piece from the many vignettes I created. I took one of the two ceramic female busts I have and made her a velvet hat complete with bird cage veil.

And at the end of the day . . . the mailbox balloons falling asleep near the dress form.

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