Monday, February 1, 2010


Yeah, I know it's early, but track practice has already begun. Personally I don't know what the IHSA is thinking allowing track practice to start already, but oh well it gives me something to do. So far, the track team is rather small. This is partially do to the fact that basketball and wrestling are still going on. Like I said it's rather early.

Anyway, I was talking to Coach Weidman about an early outlook of this year's season, and he told me that we're going to be pretty dang good. We have four returning state qualifiers: Derek Rohlfing in the high jump, Aaron Wall in pole vault, Myles Baker in triple jump (he thinks he's cool because he got third in state... but he's not), and yours truly in the 400. That alone is probably enough to achieve one of our major goals this season, winning the NTC meet for the third year in a row. Now, I'm going to break down our strengths and weaknesses just for the fun of it. Obviously, our field events are loaded. Besides Myles, Derek, and Aaron, we also have two world class throwers in Paul Sudkamp and Zach Bradshaw. Paul told me that everyone who beat him last year in shot at sectionals graduated, so that's pretty good. Zach's pretty good as well, plus you never know what freshman will pop up.

Our distance guys have taken huge strides since last year. Hurdles with Myles and Pook are going to rock. Myles will go for his own record in the 110s, while Pook will try to beat our former coaches in the 300s. Mid-distance, aka Drew Willenborg, doesn't have any worries either, except for pulled muscles. The only races we're weak in are the sprints. Apparently we have some talent in freshman Alex Ritz, but we graduated Brett Haarmann last year, and rumor has it that Charles McGuire and Riley Westendorf are not going out this year. I can say that rumor is partially false. Coach succeeded in guilting Charles into it on Monday. It works for me. Relays should be pretty good as well, if we can keep some decent people in them. That about does it for track. Updates will be posted at random intervals.

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