Friday, May 7, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

With Mother's Day quickly approaching, I decided to use my blog article to thank my own mother. Now, my mom is not like any others. She is a stay at home mom. Most people don't realize how much work they really do, and neither did I until I started getting older and paying attention to how the household worked.

Although my mom doesn't have a work uniform or get a paycheck, she still works. She works 24/7 actually. She takes on the job of chauffeur, cook, cleaning lady, laundromat, nurse, psychologist, shopper, cheerleader, counselor, interior designer, best friend, gardener, among many others. Most people could only handle one of these jobs, but it takes a special kind of person to do all of them and even more special to excel at them all. I never have to worry about having my clothes being dirty or not having food in the house. If I'm sick in the middle of the night, its always Mom who gets up to help me. Mom takes care of these jobs on a regular basis with no complaints.

For all the moms out there, have a Happy Mother's Day! You deserve it!

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