Thursday, May 13, 2010

Bathrooms and Brothers

Okay, I don't know what it is with my brother, but everyday I find something new that irks me. My brother and I now share a bathroom since we built our new house, but it wasn't always this way. when we lived out by the lake, all four of us -- my mother, father, brother, and I shared one bathroom. Some how it always managed to be pristine. Now that my brother shares a bathroom with just me, it is amazing! He manages to get water all over the floor after taking a shower, hangs his towel up wrong so that three days later it starts to smell (YUCK!), and gets toothpaste everywhere. I am glad that it will only be a few more years until I never have to share a bathroom with him again! My roommates better behave when it comes to cleanliness or I will majorly flip out!!

Hailey Bushue

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