Thursday, May 6, 2010

We're Not Talking About The Game...We're Talking About Practice

There's something magical about exerting your body to the limits of both survival and and a potential vision quest. Sun blazing, the humidity and temperature above eighty seven, tackling the 23/2300 Hammerfest loop solo..."You got's to do what you got's to do!"

Mongo has been neglecting his hill training since the start of the Hammerfest season. Though I have been putting in some long and fast miles, my climbing has been relegated to Monday nights only...for no other reason than I'm fundamentally lazy. Hopefully, today's ride will jumpstart my re-dedication to my highly successful "Cat 5 Domination" training system.

Mongo rode the circuit as hard as I could, and my average speed at the end was 1.5 mph slower than with the peloton...not too bad considering I was carrying an extra ten pounds of sweat. I'm planning on mixing it up at the Enemy Bike Shop ride for the first time in a month or so this Saturday morning, so we'll see how this extra training pays off.

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